100% Job Assurance

Full Stack Developer Pro

Get Job-Ready By Learning Through Robust Real-World Hands-on

Join The Best

Full Stack Developer Course

And Get 10 Guaranteed Interview Opportunities

Eligibility: For Tech/STEM Graduates with 0-3 years of work experience.
Full Stack Developer Course
Full Stack Developer Course

6 Months

450 Learning Hours

3-6 LPA Assured Minimum Salary

Live Online & Classroom


Students Placed


Highest Salary


Average Salary Hike


Hiring Partners

Our Alumni work at
Goldman Sachs
Societe Generale
Goldman Sachs
Societe Generale
Goldman Sachs
Societe Generale

Join The Best Full Stack Developer Course

The Full Stack Developer Pro course will teach you the subtleties of data structures and algorithms. This interview-assured 6-month program will prepare you for a successful career as a full-stack web developer by providing you with the technical knowledge of front-end and back-end programming. With 350 hours of rigorous instruction with a distinguished faculty and 100 hours of doubt-resolution, the program offers the most training hours in the industry.

Interview Guarantee

Interview Guarantee

Get access to 500+ hiring partners and 10 interview guarantee with a minimum salary of 3-6 LPA or we will refund your fees.

Dedicated Career Services

Dedicated Career Services

Our career services include resume development, profile enhancement, interview preparation workshops and one-on-one career counselling to ensure you land the right job-interview opportunities.

Job-focused Curriculum

Job-focused Curriculum

Start by building a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms and learn popular technologies like Java, MongoDB, JavaScript, and React and top the list of potential employers.

Live Learning

Live Learning

Establish a DSA and full-stack development foundation through online live interactive courses while the teaching assistants will lead hands-on projects and practice sessions.

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Participate in Coding Hackathons, to tackle complex business problems and make your resume stand out.

Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio

Work on multiple projects and build a robust project portfolio to make your resume stand out in front of potential employers.

Placement Guarantee

Placement Guarantee

Get access to 500+ hiring partners and 10 interview guarantee with a minimum salary of 3-6 LPA or we will refund your fees.

Dedicated Career Services

Dedicated Career Services

Our career services include resume development, profile enhancement, interview preparation workshops and one-on-one career counselling.

Job-focused Curriculum

Job-focused Curriculum

Start by building a strong foundation in data structures and learn popular tools like Java, MongoDB, JavaScript, and React.

Live Learning

Live Learning

Establish a DSA and full-stack development foundation through online live interactive courses while the teaching assistants will lead hands-on projects and practice sessions.

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Participate in Coding Hackathons, to tackle complex business problems and make your resume stand out.

Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio

Work on multiple projects and build a robust project portfolio to make your resume stand out in front of potential employers.

Interview Guarantee

Interview Guarantee

Get access to 500+ hiring partners and 10 interview guarantee with a minimum salary of 3-6 LPA or we will refund your fees.

Dedicated Career Services

Dedicated Career Services

Our career services include resume development, profile enhancement, interview preparation workshops and one-on-one career counselling to ensure you land the right job-interview opportunities.

Job-focused Curriculum

Job-focused Curriculum

Start by building a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms and learn popular technologies like Java, MongoDB, JavaScript, and React and top the list of potential employers.

Live Learning

Live Learning

Establish a DSA and full-stack development foundation through online live interactive courses while the teaching assistants will lead hands-on projects and practice sessions.

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Hackathon & Coding Challenges

Participate in Coding Hackathons, to tackle complex business problems and make your resume stand out.

Project Portfolio

Project Portfolio

Work on multiple projects and build a robust project portfolio to make your resume stand out in front of potential employers.

Who is this course for?

Candidates with the following prerequisites can apply for Full Stack Development certification courses:


Final year students from STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years) in non-development IT roles – QA, testers, IT support, etc.


Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission


Final year students from STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years) in non-development IT roles – QA, testers, IT support, etc.


Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission


Final year students from STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with >50% marks


Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years) in non-development IT roles – QA, testers, IT support, etc.


Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission

Trusted By Millions Of Learners Around The World

Leading-Edge Curriculum

Develop a strong foundation in data structures & algorithms (DSA) and learn popular tools like Java, MongoDB, JavaScript and React.

Gain knowledge of the foundational concepts in mathematics needed for programming. Write code that is effective and optimised. To hone your coding skills, learn several types of algorithms and practise on more than 100 DSA questions. Learn about the concept of competitive programming and get ready to take part in competitions. This module gives you a solid basis on which to build your career as a developer.

What Will You Achieve?


Strong data structures and algorithms foundation


Coding skills with 100+ DSA questions


Competitive programming skills



Programming Basics, Data Types and Code Flow


Input, Output and Exceptions


If statement, Loops and Code flow






Time and space Complexity


Bit Manipulation




1-D Array


2-D Matrix


Array List and Linked List




Applications of Stack




Applications of Queue


Tree (Traversals)


Tree (Construction of tree from traversals, height of tree, mirror of tree)


Tree (LCA, Diameter)






Dynamic Programming


Graph (BFS, DFS)


Graph (Cycles in Graph)


Graph (DFS, BFS on matrix)


Graph ([Dijkstra Algorithm, Flood Fill Algorithm])


Graph [Minimum Spanning Tree, Floyd Warshall, TopologicalSorting]


Linear Search and Binary Search


Ternary Search


Two Pointers


Bit Manipulation


Simple Array Sorting and its implementation


Sorting using Divide and Conquer and implementation





Understand NodeJS basics, REPL, Node Module System, file systems, streams, events, HTTP servers, cluster, and working threads. Learn to build RESTful APIs using Express, create middleware, routing, rendering, and template engines. Integrate MongoDB, CRUD operations with Mongoose, data validation, modeling relationships, authentication, authorization, profanity filtering, post-moderation, caching, and performance optimization. Use Git for version control, handle repositories, branching, merging, workflows, and Git server administration.{' '} Understand NodeJS basics, REPL, Node Module System, file systems, streams, events, HTTP servers, cluster, and working threads. Learn to build RESTful APIs using Express, create middleware, routing, rendering, and template engines. Integrate MongoDB, CRUD operations with Mongoose, data validation, modeling relationships, authentication, authorization, profanity filtering, post-moderation, caching, and performance optimization. Use Git for version control, handle repositories, branching, merging, workflows, and Git server administration.

What Will You Achieve?


Gain proficiency in NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and Git for building robust web applications


Understand how to create RESTful APIs, implement authentication and authorization, and optimize performance.


Learn to use Git for version control, manage repositories, and handle branching and merging workflows.



Getting started with NodeJS


Interactive node with REPL


Node Module System


File system & streams




Web servers with HTTP module


Understanding Cluster & Working threads


Introduction to Express


Building Restful APIs using express


Building Restful APIs using express II


Express Middlewares


Express Middlewares continue




Database Integration - MongoDB


CRUD with Mongoose & MongoDB I


CRUD with Mongoose & MongoDB II


Mongo Data Validation


Modelling Relationships


Autentication, Authorization I


Profanity Filtering and Post Moderation


Caching & Performance


Caching & Performance continue


Protecting express App


Getting started with Git


Working with Git repositories


Branching and merging


Git workflows


Using Git in IDE


Git server adminstration

Understand user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). Create captivating application interfaces using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Utilise the React framework to create UI features that are efficient and complicated. Create end-to-end applications by combining your front-end and back-end expertise.

What Will You Achieve?


Learn JavaScript to build exciting UI


Develop complex and efficient UIs with React


Integrate front-end and back-end skills to create a complete application



Introduction To Web Development


How Web Applications Work


An introduction to HTML and CSS


Tools for Web Development


How to View Deployed Web Pages


Five Critical Web Development Issues


The HTML syntax, Images, Basic Skills for Working with Images


Advanced Skills for Working with Images


Related Skills for Working with Images, Forms, How to Use


Forms and Controls, Other Skills for Working with Forms


How to Use the HTML5 Features for Data Validation, How to Use the HTML5 Controls


A Web Page that Uses HTML5 Data Validation


Using CSS to Format the Elements of a Web Page


An introduction to CSS


Measurements and Colours, Selectors, Cascading Style Sheets


How to Work with Text


A Web Page that Uses External Style Sheets


Introduction to Media Queries


Creating applications with Mobile-first Approach


Difference between Desktop-first vs. Mobile-first


Creating Your First Web Page with Bootstrap


Including Bootstraps Files via CDN, Bootstrap Grid System,


Creating Fixed, Fluid Layout with Bootstrap


What is Responsive Web Design or Layout?


Bootstrap Typography, Tables, Lists, Forms, Input Groups, Buttons, Images, NavBar etc


Creating a form using Bootstrap


Creating a Static Site with Bootstrap


Introduction to JavaScript Language, Using Script Tag, Inserting


Java Script into Tags, Linking Java Script from Separate Files,


JavaScript Expression and Operators, Defining and Naming


Variables, Data Types, Expression, Returning Values from Functions


Function: Advanced Concepts


Function as Data, Anonymous Function, Callbacks, Self-invoking


Function, Inner (Private) Functions, Functions that Return Functions


Function: Rewriting itself, Variable Scopes, Function Level, No Block Level, Global Level


What Are Objects?


Objects and the Dot Syntax, Creating an Object with a Constructor,


Properties of the Object, Methods of the Object


Introduction to ES6 Features


jQuery Introduction


- Install and Use jQuery Library


- Un-Obstructive JavaScript


- First jQuery Example


- jQuery Syntax


- Basic Selectors, Filters


ReactJS Fundamentals


-Introduction to ReactJS, React and SPA


The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure, React Introduction,View Technology


-React and SPA, The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure,


Understanding What React Is, What Problem React Solves


First React Project, Code Formatter Setup, Building Static Site


Using React, JSX, Introduction, States and Properties, Stateless


Components, Stateful Components, Styling Approach in React


Component Lifecycle Events, Event Categories, Event Definition,


Mounting and Unmounting Events, Components and Props, State


and Lifecycle, Handling Events


useState, useEffect, useRef


Working with Hooks Example


Fetching Endpoint with Hook


Working with Lazy Initialisation with Hooks


Introduction to useContext


Redux for State Management, Introduction to Redux, Basic


Building Blocks, Store, Actions, Action Types and Action Creators,


Dispatch Mechanism, Vanilla Redux for Better Understanding,


Redux with ReactJS, The Application Flow, Choosing the Right


Model for Store, Implementing Redux for a Basic Application


Introduction to React Router


Route Configuration – Link, Navigate, Route, Router


Creating AWS Account, Understanding ec2 Instance


- Deploying Spring boot Application with Containerisation


Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)


- S3 Regions, Buckets and Objects


Create Bucket in S3, Upload - Make Public - Rename - Delete File


in S3, Delete and Restore Files in S3


Testing : JUNIT, JEST

Utilising the knowledge you gained from the bootcamps, create a full-stack application from scratch on your own. Learn how to effectively plan and carry out projects. Get helpful input by presenting your project to a group of industry evaluators. Add the project to your GitHub project portfolio.

What Will You Achieve?


Learn to plan a full stack development project


Develop an end-to-end full-stack application


Gain confidence in your skills by presenting the project to industry experts


Combination of all skills learned throughout the course

Project presentation skills

Prepare for interview opportunities by polishing key skills. Get support to create your digital profile and resume. Sharpen your interview skills through expert-based mock interviews. Resolve your career-related queries through a career mentorship session. At the end of the module, you will be ready to crack interviews with confidence.

What Will You Achieve?


Build an exciting resume and digital profile for recruiters


Sharpen interview skills with mock interview sessions


Resolve any career-related queries have clarity and confidence



GitHub Profile

Mock Interviews

Career Mentorship


Have questions? Contact us

Tools & Technologies Covered

Java Script
React - Full Stack Developer Tools
Java Script
React - Full Stack Developer Tools
Java Script
React - Full Stack Developer Tools

Industry-specific Projects


Build an e-commerce application like Amazon

Learn how to develop a full-fledged e-commerce application by determining the right features and functionality.


Build a social media application like Facebook

Create and deploy a modern social media platform from scratch.


Build a food order and delivery application like Swiggy

Learn to create a modern UI for food ordering applications utilising next-gen technologies.


Build a movie streaming application like Netflix

Create a futuristic movie streaming application that can draw the attention of millions of users.


Build a health tracking application

Dive into delivering efficient health solutions by building health tracking applications.

Industry-specific Projects


Build an e-commerce application like Amazon

Learn how to develop a full-fledged e-commerce application by determining the right features and functionality.


Build a social media application like Facebook

Create and deploy a modern social media platform from scratch.


Build a food order and delivery application like Swiggy

Learn to create a modern UI for food ordering applications utilising next-gen technologies.


Build a movie streaming application like Netflix

Create a futuristic movie streaming application that can draw the attention of millions of users.


Build a health tracking application

Dive into delivering efficient health solutions by building health tracking applications.

Your Learning Journey

Learning Journey - Full Stack Developer Course
Learning Journey - Full Stack Developer Course
Learning Journey - Full Stack Developer Course

Learners’ profiles

Basic knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission.


Final year students from STEM background (preferably CS, IT, Electronics) with min 50% marks


Fresh graduates/Postgraduates in STEM (preferably CS, IT, Electronics) with min 50% marks


Experienced Professionals (0 to 3 years)

Will I Get Certified?

Upon successfully completing this program, you’ll earn a Full Stack Developer Pro certificate.

Full Stack Developer Pro Certificate
Full Stack Developer Pro Certificate
Full Stack Developer Pro Certificate
Full Stack Developer Pro Certificate

Learn From The Best

Abhinandan Chivate - Senior Software Consultant
Naveen Kumar - Senior Software Consultant
Shalini Mittal - Senior Software Consultant

Naveen Kumar

Senior Software Consultant



Naveen is a senior software consultant with expertise in software engineering, full-stack development, DBMS, DevOps and software testing. As a consultant, he has developed and delivered multiple software projects for his clients using Java, JavaScript, React, Node, MongoDB, etc. Naveen has extensive experience in delivering training at top enterprises like Tesco, Accenture, Apple, Samsung, Oracle, Standard Chartered, Siemens, etc. He is also a visiting faculty at various universities for MCA, M.Tech, BE, BCA and MBA programs.


Abhinandan Chivate

Senior Software Consultant



Abhinandan has 14 years of experience and expertise in application design and development of web applications using Java, Java EE, Mongo DB, Swagger, JavaScript, React Native, NodeJs, ReactJs, Angular JS, Express Js and Mobile Applications. Abhinandan is a sun...See More


Naveen Kumar

Senior Software Consultant



Naveen is a senior software consultant with expertise in software engineering, full-stack development, DBMS, DevOps and software testing. As a consultant, he has developed and delivered multiple software projects for his clients using Java, JavaScript, React, ...See More


Shalini Mittal

Senior Software Consultant



Shalini is a software professional with 10+ years of consultancy experience. Her expertise lies in web and application development using JavaScript, JQuery, Java 8, Java EE, JSP, Struts Spring, Spring Boot, Android, web services (REST-based, SOAP-based), Hiber...See More


Grow with Imarticus learning

We’re focused on giving you an integrated learning experience. With our one-of-its-kind career support services, we continue to support you as you take a step into your career with a renewed perspective. Get access to over 500+ placement partners and explore unlimited opportunities.

100% Job Assurance

100% Job Assurance

You will receive the skills required to succeed in full stack development and land the job of your dreams with our 100% Job Assurance program.

Profile Enhancement

Profile Enhancement

We assist you in building a robust portfolio to ensure that your profile always catches the eye of prospective employers.

Resume Building

Resume Building

Redesign your resume with professional help and highlight your strengths in the best possible way.

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

We’ve analysed the most commonly asked interview questions and built a training module with mock interviews that will confidently prepare you for job interviews.

Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring

Resolve all your career-related queries in a 1:1 session with an industry expert.

#10 Guaranteed Interviews

Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

Profile Enhancement

Profile Enhancement

We assist you in building a robust portfolio to ensure that your profile always catches the eye of prospective employers.

Resume Building

Resume Building

Redesign your resume with professional help and highlight your strengths in the best possible way.

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

We’ve analysed the most commonly asked interview questions and built a training module that confidently prepares you for job interviews.

Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring

Resolve all your career-related queries in a 1:1 session with an industry expert.

Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

Profile Enhancement

Profile Enhancement

We assist you in building a robust portfolio to ensure that your profile always catches the eye of prospective employers.

Resume Building

Resume Building

Redesign your resume with professional help and highlight your strengths in the best possible way.

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

We’ve analysed the most commonly asked interview questions and built a training module that confidently prepares you for job interviews.

Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring

Resolve all your career-related queries in a 1:1 session with an industry expert.

We Supercharge Your Career

Rahul Mistri

Rahul Mistri


Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Ashutosh Tiwari

Ashutosh Tiwari


Data Engineer

Data Engineer

Nikita Somnath Aware

Nikita Somnath Aware


Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Parvesh Wasuja

Parvesh Wasuja


Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Neelesh Dwivedi

Neelesh Dwivedi

Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Dinesh Durgaprasad

Dinesh Durgaprasad

Software Intern

Backend Developer

Backend Developer

Build Your Success Story With Imarticus


I want to thank the Imarticus Learning team for providing me with an excellent platform for getting a decent job. I attended one hackathon by Palo Alto networks on the Imarticus Learning platform. I had a good experience participating in it. I appreciate your entire team\'s ...See More

Yedida Satya Suryaa Rama Lakshmi

Palo Alto, QA Automation Engineer


I found out about Imarticus from a friend. After hearing about his experience, I decided to join for the upskilling and the placement opportunities, and I haven\'t regretted it ever since. The management staff and teaching staff work in harmony, and they are quick to resolve...See More

Shahreyar Najeeb Capgemini,

Data Analyst


My overall experience was great. I would be happy to explore more opportunities through Imarticus Learning. Every concept was explained in detail and the faculty was very supportive. The course curriculum is very intensive and helps you gain lots of experience. I would be ha...See More

Nitesh Karmodiya

Hypersonix Inc., Software Engineer


I had a great experience while learning about the fundamentals of the Full-stack & the Java algorithms. I am thankful to the Imarticus team for providing me proper guidance, the study material was very helpful which helped my career a lot. I would like to recommend to my fri...See More

Ashutosh Tiwari

Data Engineer


I want to thank the Imarticus Learning team for providing me with an excellent platform for getting a decent job. I attended one hackathon by Palo Alto networks on the Imarticus Learning platform. I had a good experience participating in it. I appreciate your entire team\'s ...See More

Yedida Satya Suryaa Rama Lakshmi

Palo Alto, QA Automation Engineer


I found out about Imarticus from a friend. After hearing about his experience, I decided to join for the upskilling and the placement opportunities, and I haven\'t regretted it ever since. The management staff and teaching staff work in harmony, and they are quick to resolve...See More

Shahreyar Najeeb Capgemini,

Data Analyst


My overall experience was great. I would be happy to explore more opportunities through Imarticus Learning. Every concept was explained in detail and the faculty was very supportive. The course curriculum is very intensive and helps you gain lots of experience. I would be ha...See More

Nitesh Karmodiya

Hypersonix Inc., Software Engineer


I had a great experience while learning about the fundamentals of the Full-stack & the Java algorithms. I am thankful to the Imarticus team for providing me proper guidance, the study material was very helpful which helped my career a lot. I would like to recommend to my fri...See More

Ashutosh Tiwari

Data Engineer


How Can I Join Full Stack Developer Pro?




Get Counselled


Take Admission Test




Get Counselled

Take Admission Test



Get Counselled

Take Admission Test


Participate in the national-level Coding Challenges and Hackathons

Compete to solve a challenging full stack development problem

Sharpen your coding skills and impress your employer

Enhance your CV by winning the hackathon

Program Fee

₹ 1,19,000

(Inclusive of all taxes)


EMI Options

Registration Fees

₹ 25,000

Base Fee

₹ 94,000

Instalment 1

₹ 47,000

Instalment 2

₹ 47,000

I have some questions

About The Program

You get an option of classroom and live online training that is thoroughly engaging. It's a full-time dedicated course to help you get a high-paying job in the Software/IT industry.

Your weekly learning plan will look like this:

- Monday to Thursday: 3 hours of learning from the faculty in your chosen mode of learning (your regular sessions also include doubt resolution for effective learning).

- Saturday & Sunday: 2.5 hours of practice/hands-on sessions under the guidance of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in your chosen mode of learning.

There will be continuous engagement as these sessions will be delivered live online and in the classroom which enables you to -

  • Get your doubts resolved immediately.
  • Get any additional support/clarity needed from the TA.
  • Learn from the queries asked by your peers.
  • Work on multiple real-world projects to sharpen your full-stack development skills.

You will be assessed regularly and the Program Manager will discuss your progress to ensure you are on track with the agreed objective.

We will also run coding challenges and hackathons - to create a competitive learning environment and expose you to real-world problems.

At the end of the program, you will polish the essential skills to prepare for interview opportunities & we will give you personalized feedback to prepare you for real-world interviews.

This is a 6-month program with live online lectures conducted on weekdays (Monday to Thursday) during the evening. Fridays will be off. You will also attend live hands-on sessions on Saturday and Sunday during the evening.

The core learning will happen via online live lectures on weekdays and online or classroom sessions on weekends. In addition, you will get recordings of the online lectures to review at your own convenience. You will also have access to student notes, exercises, additional study material and assessments on our fully-integrated online learning portal.

The Full Stack Developer Pro fee is INR 1,19,000/-.

You can check our refund policyhere.

A hackathon is an online competition where candidates solve a complex business problem within a limited timeframe. Our hackathons give you the opportunity to compete with numerous students and stand out from the crowd. Hackathons are known to inculcate a critical thinking capability in full-stack aspirants and push them to perform better. Hiring managers prefer to hire winners of such coding hackathons. You will participate in two hackathons.

The program manager will work closely with you throughout the course to facilitate a better learning experience by resolving your queries and connecting you with trainers and industry experts. They will also discuss your progress, grades, attendance, and other key elements associated with your progress. They will provide the guidance in development IT roles (like Backend Developers, Frontend Developers, Web Developers etc. or in development IT roles and support you need to meet your career objectives.
Eligibility & Admission

You are eligible for the program if -

You are a recent graduate/postgraduate in STEM (CS, IT, Electronics) with > 50% marks.

You are an experienced professional (up to 3 years) in non-development IT roles (like QA, and IT support) and/or your current salary is 3 LPA

You are a final year student graduated from a STEM background (CS, IT, Electronics) with > 50% marks

Your profile will be reviewed to check eligibility and you will have to pass the admission test.

knowledge of at least 1 programming language is mandatory for admission.

You will have to apply for admission through our website. Our career advisor will connect with you to review your profile and other eligibility criteria. Once you are shortlisted, you will have to take an admission test. Once you pass the admission test, the admission offer letter will be released. You will have to pay the registration fees to book your seat. For more information, speak to your career advisor.

Career Services And Placement

Our career services provide strong support to our students to prepare themselves for job opportunities. It includes the following:
  • Guaranteed Interview Opportunities: Attend multiple interview opportunities with our hiring partners to get the most suitable job for you.
  • Resume-building: Redesign your CV to create the best profile and get noticed by hiring managers of your dream job companies.
  • Profile Enhancement: Enhance your profile with a GitHub project portfolio and Hackathon results, standing out in the crowd.
  • Interview Preparation Workshop: Learn best practices, practice interview questions and attend mock interview rounds with our industry experts to ace the real interviews.
  • Career Mentoring: Resolve all your career-related queries in a 1:1 session with an industry expert.

In order to be eligible for job placement, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Overall grades should be at least 50% in the course (candidates below 50% marks will not get a placement guarantee)
  • Pass the mock interviews and capstone project evaluation
  • Have an average attendance of at least 80% for each module of the course
  • For more information,click here

The students are assessed throughout the program and the assessments are graded. Once the student has completed the program, the final grades are published. All students meeting the placement eligibility criteria get access to our placement platform where the relevant jobs are posted. The students should apply to every job and attend all interviews they are shortlisted for (as directed by the career services team). The student will also participate in career drives . The career period is valid for 6 months after completion of the program. We will closely support the students to ensure they get access to the right career opportunities and get placed with a minimum salary of 3LPA in a full-stack/software development job role.

The candidate will get disqualified for any placement support if:
  • The candidate fails any background check from their previous employers/institutes
  • The candidate does not follow up with the recruiter for an opportunity and is not present for a digital/in-person interview
  • The candidate accepts a job opportunity outside the career services platform before the 6-month guarantee period is over
  • The candidate is not open to relocation to any other city or turns down an offer because of work-from-office or shift timings

The candidate needs to complete the program and should have applied for the jobs as described by the career services team. If they have done everything and have not received an offer for a qualifying position within the guaranteed period of 6 months from course completion, they are eligible for a fee refund. They will have to fill out the refund request form. The refund request form must be submitted to the career services team within 30 days after the end of the career services period. Refunds, upon approval, will be processed within 30 business days to the original source of payment.

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