Imarticus learning


Ahmedabad is the centre of great education and research due to the presence of so many premier institutes from a diverse spectrum of academic fields, making it a location that requires promotion to raise awareness and build brand recognition.

Imarticus learning


Ahmedabad is the centre of great education and research due to the presence of so many premier institutes from a diverse spectrum of academic fields, making it a location that requires promotion to raise awareness and build brand recognition.

Imarticus Learning Ahmedabad Hub

Want to broaden your knowledge? We at Imarticus Learning Ahmedabad have you covered with our cutting-edge programs and modern facility. We offer high-quality, industry-specific education via innovative technology, specialised training, career assistance, and mentorship from industry professionals in Ahmedabad.

Our founders noticed a highly prevalent skill gap among professionals and a lack of credible upskilling opportunities for young freshers and experienced professionals. We offer state-of-the-art new-age programs in Data Science and Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, Fintech, Investment Banking, Finance, Marketing, and other fields.


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Our Placement-Focused Approach

In the financial year 2021-2022, we have placed record 1841 students which means

“1 student was placed every 4.75 hour”

Within a decade, Imarticus Learning has impacted over 10,00,000 careers through leading-edge curriculums, highly experienced faculty, and over 500 global partnerships

8 out of 10 students of Imarticus Learning gets placed in industry-leading firms

Our Offerings

We offer courses catering requirements of both early career professionals and experienced individuals in diverse domains like Analytics, Finance, Technology and Marketing.

Our Job-guarantee program includes Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional (CIBOP) and Digital Marketing program in Chennai.

If you're looking for a high-quality job-assured analytics education in Chennai, this might be the opportunity to enrol for our Postgraduate Program in Data Science and Analytics.

Say Goodbye to Your Career Woes.

Begin your learning journey with Imarticus Learning Chennai and get prepared to make the most of your investment.

Attend a free counselling session and get dedicated career support

How mentorship can enhance your career prospects

Technical and job-related abilities are only a small part of what it takes to create a successful career. Effective communication and other soft skills, as well as networks and connections in the professional world, are typically necessary to build a successful career.

Students who are mentored are:


More Likely To Get A Raise


More Likely To Get A Promotion

Meet The Faculty

Explore more information about careers, entrance exams and scholarships.

Want to make your career opportunities limitless in Ahmedabad? Imarticus Learning’s unique learning environment and creative curriculum will set you apart from other candidates. Get ready to bolster your foundational skills with Imarticus Learning Ahmedabad


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